Monday, August 30, 2010

Potty Training...

I tried a handful of months back to potty train Braydon. His little body wasn't fully ready then, so I stopped, and resolved to try again in the near future.

Well, Braydon is now totally capable of doing it, but he absolutely refuses to try. I've tried bribing him to just sit on the potty with the reward of praises, hugs/kisses/snuggles, cookies, candy, cake, ice cream, etc., and none of those entice him enough to even sit, sans diaper, on the potty. He loves his diaper and tells me he's still a baby.

He's outgrowing his size 6 diaper and we now have wet pants quite often these days, simply because he's becoming too big for the biggest diaper. I've tried putting him in training pants, and he doesn't mind even a tiny bit that he's wet.

His new best friend is potty trained, so I hope he'll want to be a big kid like her, and want to go on the potty. I'm not sure what to do or how to get Braydon motivated to start training again.

Any suggestions?

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Albuquerque, NM July 2010

Last week we went to ABQ to visit "Mimi" (Ty's mom) and we all thoroughly enjoyed the fabulous weather, wonderful company, and delicious food (made by Mimi). Braydon had a blast, and we enjoyed relaxing and visiting. Here are some pics from our trip. The first few are from a couple of months ago of Uncle Trask and Braydon (one of Ty's brothers) and the last few are of Braydon playing in the rain shortly after we returned home from ABQ!

The password is switz if one is necessary

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